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Glink for Android version 2.3.0 is now available!

In this release we have added support for managed app configuration, made it easier to export and import configurations, added support for Zebra scanner devices through the Zebra DataWedge interface and added more options for customization. There are also other minor corrections and improvements in this version.

The upgrade is free for customers who purchased earlier versions of the Glink for Android products with support.

In this release we have added support for managed app configuration from MDM/EMM systems, and made it easier to export and import configurations. We have also implemented auto-import of configurations from the Glink's import folder. When the MDM has deployed a configuration file to Glink's import-folder, Glink will automatically install it at startup or when entering the sessions menu.

We have also implemented support for Zebra scanner devices through the use of the Zebra DataWedge interface. DataWedge allows you to define advanced rules to format scanned barcodes and Glink can perform additional actions when it receives the barcodes through the DataWedge interface. In the VT emulation this can be controlled by Telxon escape sequences from the host.

What is new in version 2.3.0

  • Supports Managed App Configuration from MDM/EMM

  • Supports Zebra DataWedge barcode scanning

  • New menu items to Import/Export configuration in Sessions

  • Auto-import configuration file from .GlinkXX/import folder

  • New option to lock orientation

  • New option to force keyboard up

  • New option to disconnect the sessions when the screen is locked

  • New option to remove "Enter" key from the action bar

  • Supports Telxon escape sequences in VT emulation

  • Added codepages for Cyrillic (880 + 1025) in 3270 emulation

  • Minor corrections and improvements

Glink for Android is available on the Google Play Store and in G&R's online webshop as four different apps:

  • Glink is a full version that includes all emulations and communication protocols. Glink is used to access applications running on Bull, IBM, DEC, UNIX and Linux host systems. Glink has emulations for the IBM 3270 and 5250 terminals, Bull Questar DKU7107 and DKU7211 terminals, Bull VIP7800, VIP7760 and VIP7700 terminals, and DEC VT320 and VT102 terminals. ANSI 3.64 is supported for general communications work.

  • Glink 3270 is used to access applications running on IBM host systems. Glink 3270 emulates all IBM 3270 terminals and uses the TN3270 protocol for communication with the host systems.

  • Glink 5250 is used to access applications running on IBM iSeries systems. Glink 5250 emulates all IBM 5250 terminals and uses the TN5250 protocol for communication with the host systems. TN5250 Enhanced Display Auto Sign-On supported.

  • Glink VT is used to access applications running on UNIX, Linux and DEC host systems. Glink VT emulates DECVT100/220/320/420 terminals and uses the Telnet protocol for communication with the host systems.

For more information see: Glink for Android or see the product information in Google Play Store: Glink on Google Play Store

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